code of conduct/member tiers
  1.  All new recruits must be approved by the senior membership 
  2.  All uniform must be purchased and regulations adhered to before full membership is granted 
  3. All members must hold personal public liability insurance to cover reenactment
  4.  Other than those worn at the expressed permission of senior members no awards/medals are to be worn
  5.  Members will adopt a polite and cordial attitude to each other and the public when on events 
  6.  although rank is used within the 12 SPB this does not signify seniority amongst members other than in a historical context and within the confines of the display,  senior members are Dave, Connor, Matt, Russ and Levi (the founding committee) 
  7.  members are expected to pitch in with setup including the erecting of set pieces digging, laying sandbags etc 
  8.  any sales or other exchanging of kit is done between members and senior membership will not sort out squabbles between members 
  9.  Politics (and the discussion of them) other than those pertinent to a historical impression are forbidden to be discussed in front of the public. anyone violating this rule will be stripped of his membership.
  10. This is a living history group and as such will involve living and working under wartime conditions and as such incur the risks associated with such an environment, members participate in the display at their own risk and senior membership does not accept any liability for loss/damages incurred by such activities. 
  11. If geographically located within the northwest members will be expected to attend semi regular drill weekends in order to accurately portray and understand the drill of the time.
  12. 12 all events and kit are to be attended at the expense of the member themselves and senior membership cannot pay the member for any expenses incurred as a result of participation in the group

    The tiers of membership: 

    Hangarounds/associates: people who are friends of members but do not actively participate in the group or it's events 

    Prospects: people applying for membership but have not yet acquired kit and/or insurance

    Members: full members with correct kit and insurance approved by the senior members.

    Senior membership: the original founders of the group and the most senior members with day to day say in the running of the group, booking and organizing public and private events and approval of all other members in the group. This is not signified by any historical rank merely by membership of the founding committee